- Category: Membership Benefits
- Published on 04 March 2007
- Hits: 8944
The Central Aroostook Chamber of Commerce (CAC) supports the following communities: Ashland, Blaine, Castle Hill, Chapman, Easton, Mapleton, Mars Hill, Masardis, OxBow, Portage, Presque Isle, Washburn and Westfield.
“To serve, advance, and publicize the commercial, agricultural, civic, and general interest of the member communities.”
Support Area Business, Shop Aroostook!
CAC – operates a website that is maintained by Amity Professional Services. We are linked to the Maine Office of Tourism, Aroostook County Tourism, and Maine recreation guides. Browsers can access information relating to all communities served by this chamber. This link allows each browser to view our web page and gives access to many business-related topics. www.centralaroostookchamber.com
CAC offers rotating ad placement on our home page to members. The web site receives over 7,000 visits per month.
Organizes and operates a food booth known for our signature baked potatoes with a variety of toppings. The space at Northern Maine Fairgrounds is open for most events held at the fairgrounds during the spring, summer and fall.
Coordinates area promotions and develops strategies to market the area.
Participates in local and state driven economic development strategies. We are involved with the Northern Maine Development Commission, LEAD (Leaders Encouraging Aroostook Developers), ACT (Aroostook County Tourism), and the Presque Isle Industrial Park.
Participates in the promotion of tourism to Aroostook County. We provide letters of support for local grants, field countless questions, and promote visits to businesses that support us. This Chamber also participates in local and statewide tradeshows and presentations. We develop an annual membership directory and the Area Map & Guide.
Is responsible for organizing the annual Holiday Light Parade. This event continues to grow in popularity, and has been estimated to bring 10,000 to Presque Isle.
Coordinates the annual Area Wide Yard sale. For a nominal fee, participants will be placed on an area map for yard sale participants.
Is a referral service that answers a multitude of questions daily. We use every source of networking available to answer questions travelers or people relocating have. Relocation packets and other information are sent upon request. In addition, many people will call to ask specific questions about central Aroostook businesses, telephone number, addresses, owners, stock, etc. In 2003, this chamber received over 2,400 calls for general information and sent out approximately 300 information packets.
Allows members to post information at our facility. We also assist with distributing this information via out newsletter, The Chamber Connection. Material is also sent to tourism centers and trade shows.
Is dedicated to knowing products within your store so business is sent to you.
Hosts events and training at the Chamber beneficial to business owners. These are coordinated based on interest at little to no cost for attendees.
Sponsors an annual meeting, which announces the Presque Isle area’s Lifetime Achievement, Citizen of the Year, Economic Development, and Business of the Year awards.
Coordinates the annual Strawberry Shortcake Sale. Deliveries are available to Limestone, Caribou, Mars Hill, Washburn, Easton, and Presque Isle. Businesses often use this event as an employee appreciation day.
24-hour Visitor Center- In 2001, the Chamber of Commerce was able to develop a 24-hour Visitor Information Center. Visitors are able to access important information while traveling during evenings or weekends. Material supplied in the Center is primarily local attractions, maps, and business member information. This Visitor Center is one of a few offered in the state of Maine, and would not have been possible without the support of many generous donors.
Landlord Listing- Presque Isle Area Chamber of Commerce maintains a comprehensive listing of all apartment and home rentals with updates made quarterly. In addition, we maintain trailer park contact information.
Daycare Listing - Takes initiative to maintain a comprehensive listing of all daycare providers and organizations.
CAC promotes many area events including: Skating Club of Maine, Agri-Business Trade Fair, Kiwanis Home, Garden, & Rec Show, Anah Temple Shrine Circus, Mapleton Daze, Ashland Days, Easton Field Days, Potato Blossom Festival, Northern Maine Fair, Washburn August Festival, Wesfield Jubilee.
The CAC is a member of the following groups- AACC (Association of Aroostook Chambers of Commerce), Maine Association of Chambers of Commerce Executives, Aroostook County Tourism, LEAD, U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and the Maine Tourism Association.
It is the commitment of the Chamber of Commerce staff to remain in contact with the Chamber’s 300+ members as much as possible. Questions, concerns, and ideas are always welcome. Please feel free to contact the following individuals at the Chamber office: Theresa M. Fowler and Valerie Lunn. We can be reached at 764-6561 e-mail address is info@centralaroostookchamber.com and the mailing address is: 3 Houlton Road, Presque Isle, Me 04769. The office is located at 3 Houlton Road Presque Isle.
CAC is ranked 19th in the State of Maine in terms of membership size. We serve a population of 20,430 in the central Aroostook region.
CAC- Maintains a comprehensive listing of historical and area attractions with contact information.
Revised 6/26/11